Finished just before the rain

Took us a bit to finish the last bed and clean up a bit.

All we have to do now is sit around and watch the lavender grow.

We put gravel around the individual plants and then put Cedar bark mulch between them all. Managed to get this all done and some cleanup before it rained.

It was so hot the other day that we couldn’t work outside. So I made this mini Buddhist Temple for the field in front of the bench. We haven’t decided what buddha we will put in it yet, but we are working on it.

At the front of the bed we have a nursery area where we are trying to save some of our frost damaged plants. We also grow lilac bushes and other plants to use around the yard and if we have excess we sell them.

So now all we have to do is sit and watch the lavender grow and in late July or early August we will have a couple of farm days where you will be able to come have a look at the field and buy some fresh lavender or our Wellness Balm. Have a good spring and summer.

A year late but almost done Phase 2

We had planned Phase 2 for last year but with Covid 19 playing such a big part we decided to put it off a year.

Well now we are done and we have phase 2 finally planted.

We decided to install a seating area, as well, in the middle of the new field. This way people who come to the farm will be able to sit and enjoy the fragrance of the lavender.

Last year our winter was mild and we had almost no snowpack on the ground. This caused a problem with cold weather and frost damage to our existing crop. We had to prune back some plants drastically and had to replace 4 that were damaged beyond hope.

We have found the damaged plants are coming back a lot quicker than we expected will probably not have much lasting damage.

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