It’s December already. How time has flown by this year. We have a skiff of snow on the ground and our Lavender Field is ready for the winter. So maybe it’s time for a bit of an update.
We will double the size of our fields this spring. We had everything ready by the end of the summer but didn’t want to plant young plants out before they had a chance to get some size on them. In the spring we’ll get to that.
Our first year of production went well we had a larger yield than we had anticipated and ran out of drying space having filled up both our entry in the house, smelled nice, and our garage. We had a lot of dry lavender this year. Our fresh lavender sales were decent considering we only sold direct and locally.

We have also started to produce our own Wellness Balm. See the blog post about that. We are selling it along with our fresh dry Lavender Sachets. You can contact us through our facebook page at.
Our other big need was to buy an Essential Oil Distiller. There are hundreds of different ones to chose from from small to huge and from relatively cheap to incredibly expensive. We opted for a small to medium size one just below the mid price range. It will allow us to do about 30 to 40 bundles at a time. 3 to 4 plants. This will give us 2 products. Essential Oil for our Balm and Hydrosol. Hydrosol is a byproduct of distilling and is a lavender sented water that can be used as a body spray or as a natural room spritz etc. We will market Hydrosol in 100ml spray bottles next year.

That’s about all for now so we are wishing everyone a Good, Happy and Safe Holiday Season