It’s actually almost 1/2 over. We have been working hard during this rather strange spring. Cold, wet, hot, dry nothing knew what was going on. Our orchard had trees that did not even bloom and I haven’t figured out what the heck happened. While at the same time some trees are full of fruit set. Doesn’t seem to be variety either. One apple full – one not much same with the pears. One variety of asian pears did not bloom and yet another kind are all set up good.
Our well works very good even though we have an abundance of rain at least we know when it gets hot, and it will, we won’t be dry again.
We also installed a greenhouse this spring. At least it’s dry inside when it rains and we have propagated most of our own vegetables this year. Speaking of Veg we have put in a field and should have a good crop to sell. A little expansion from our lavender this year. We decided to put off a lavender expansion in favour of food production.
We have planted a lot od Asian veg and look forward to long beans, eggplant, cauliflower, Asian Broccoli and Mellons. We planted almost 75 melon plants.
I’m also trying an experiment. I have propagated almost 100 asparagus plants from seed and am getting a bed ready. We’ll see how it goes it takes 2 to 3 years to grow into a viable crop.
We will open this year for customers for Lavender, Lavender Products and Vegetables. Not sure of what days or times yet. Hope to see you drop by this summer.